Business Tips from a Biblical Worldview |
So I'm a Christian, Now What? |
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) |
For most people the purpose of Christianity is to insure that they will not go to hell. Apart from this, many do not see much purpose. Certainly, it is difficult to see much connection between Christianity on Sunday and work during the rest of the week. At best, Christians believe that they should be ethical in the workplace and, when possible, share their faith. Is this the only connection between faith and work?
Genesis 1:26-28 records why God made man, namely, to bring the rule and reign of God to the physical universe. Man is to do this by multiplying and mastering the universe.
Along the way, man was infected by sin (see Genesis 3). This impediment in no way changed the mission that God gave man. The entrance of sin, however, made man’s mission more difficult.
God, being merciful and compassionate, provided a solution to the sin impediment. His solution was His Son. The purpose of Jesus’ work on the cross was to free us from sin. Among the many benefits of embracing Christ as Savior is that we were provided a way to be free from sin so that we can fulfill our divinely ordained mission on earth.
Many Christians view the Great Commission (see above) as the essence of Christianity. Their interpretation of the Great Commission is that it is a mandate for world evangelism.
May I encourage you to read the Great Commission? The Great Commission is not a commission for evangelism; it is a commission to discipleship. Making disciples is the greatest way to spread the gospel (see Acts 19:8-10). Furthermore, only disciples can gain enough victory over sin to truly fulfill the mission of God on earth (see John 8:31-32).
The answer to the question "So I’m, a Christian, now what?" is simple when you connect the mission of man as presented in Genesis 1 with the Great Commission. Christianity is not just about salvation from eternal judgment; it is also about fulfilling our mission on earth.
Here is your business tip: Disciples are the only people who can fulfill their mission on earth well. Hence, the best workers should be disciples of Jesus Christ. Therefore for an organization to perform well, the role of management must be discipleship as this is the only way to release the potential in workers. And workers who perform up to their potential will do excellent work.
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So I'm A Christian Now What? |