Business Tips from a Biblical Worldview  
Keys to Prosperity
Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.  He will spend his days in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land. (Psalms 25:12-13 NIV)

Everyone wants to enjoy success and prosperity in life.  The question is how.  What is the secret? Is it hard work or networking or a great idea or a rich relative or so called ‘luck’ or all of these or a combination of these —or something else?  

In the above text, the psalmist provides the answer. The key to success and prosperity in life is the fear of the Lord.  The term “fear of the Lord” is another way to say “biblical worldview.”  A person who fears the Lord is a person whose life is built on Christ and the revelation about Christ found in the Bible.

There are two key elements to building our lives on a biblical worldview.  First, we must learn and obey God’s values and principles.  This is general obedience in that everyone is called to live accordingly.  Second, we must discover and fulfill our specific life purpose.  This is specific obedience, because each of us has a specific assignment during our lifetime.  The connection between general and specific obedience is noted in the text above.  As we faithfully align ourselves with God’s values and principles (general obedience), the Lord will guide us in our respective specific callings.  The fruit of general and specific obedience is prosperity.

Here is your business tip: If you want your organization to prosper, may I suggest two things? 

1. Train everyone in your organization in biblical worldview. 

2. Help each person in your organization find his or her specific life purpose.  

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 The C4 Relational Process
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