Aha—becoming rich! It seems that everyone wants to be rich. We want to get ahead, to be able to do what we want to do, when we want to do it, how we want to do it. And most of all, we want the option of not having to work. Right?
The common view of success is defined as “becoming rich” and is inseparably coupled to money. The maxim is that if you have money, you are a success.
When the obsession with money is so great that everything is compromised for it, we call it greed. The above text warns us against greed—the excessive focus on accumulating money. Jesus made it clear that material assets do not define a person’s life—his or her success and significance.
But most of us don't think like Jesus, we adopt popular perspectives; hence, most of us are driven by money because we think money is probably the greatest indicator of success.
The problem with the common definition of success is that it is inconsistent with reality. We work as if money is eternal, that is, as if it transcends this life and is something that we can accumulate to provide us meaning, purpose, significance, freedom, and standing with God. Money is only temporal, however. It is a tool to be used while we are alive on earth.
The reality is that the universe existed for a long time before we were born and will continue until the return of Christ, which may be well beyond our lifetimes. Furthermore, when we die our money stays here. It can do nothing for us when we die other than buy us a more expensive funeral and potentially bless our heirs.
After we die we will understand more clearly than ever that our Creator is the definer of success in life, not our financial assets. Money is not true riches; money is simply a tool to help us accumulate true riches.
In the bigger scheme, money does not determine our success. So how does a person achieve true eternal success? How does a person use money to accumulate true riches? How does a person become truly rich?
Jesus provided the answer to these questions. He pointed out the futility of living a life based on accumulated material assets (Luke 12:21). The key to success is to become rich toward God.
How does someone become rich toward God? The secret is expressed in Jesus' statement in the Garden of Gethsemane. As he wrestled with his ultimate destiny in this life, he submitted to the will of the Father and uttered the prayer “not my will but your will be done” (Luke 22:42 author's paraphrase).
We become rich as we surrender to the will of God in our lives. To do this we must discover and fulfill the purpose for which we have been created.
For many people this is a confusing concept because, after all, isn't salvation about going to heaven? This is a very common view, but it is incomplete. Salvation has implications both now and for eternity.
One of the clearest texts on this topic is Ephesians 2:8–10. The apostle Paul explained salvation by grace through faith in Christ (verses 8 and 9). Verse 10 reveals one of the key purposes of salvation: to do the specific works—while we are alive on earth—that God created us to do. Since there are specific works that God has ordained we do, this suggests that God does indeed have a plan for each of us; hence, success in life is finding and fulfilling the plan and purpose of God. Success in life is not measured by material assets but by obedience to the will of God.
Here is your business tip. Don’t succumb to the world’s definition of success. Be vigilant about attacking greed in your own life and in the lives of your associates. Model for others the reality that true lasting success is based on obedience to God. Apply this principle both personally and in organizations. In every decision, individually and organizationally, the only question that really matters is the will of God. As you discern the will of God, be totally committed to fulfilling it, no matter the cost. In every situation and every decision, seek to live as Jesus lived when he said to the Heavenly Father, “not my will but your will be done.” This is the only way to become truly rich.