A disability or handicap is generally defined as a condition in which a person cannot perform a task or function as well as the majority of people. There are many types of disabilities, for example, mental disabilities such as dyslexia, emotional disabilities such as phobias, and physical disabilities such as paraplegia.
Many people in the workplace suffer from some sort of disability or handicap. The question is how to view and respond to people with disabilities and/or handicaps.
The first key is to face the truth. Don’t deny or ignore reality. God defines and dwells in truth; therefore, to dwell with God means that one must dwell in truth.
Second, respond to people with disabilities and/or handicaps based on the truth of the providence of God. The above text presumes that God is in control of His universe and that He is strategic; therefore, everything happens for a reason. There are no accidents (see Proverbs 16:33) and God is omniscient, hence He is never surprised (1 John 3:19–20). Handicaps and disabilities, therefore, are part of the plan and purpose of God.
And third, since God has a purpose for everyone, handicaps and disabilities are parts of God’s purpose. This reality should not impede our search for cures and remedies to handicaps and disabilities. By all means, we should seek to conquer them. But it means that God’s purpose is not thwarted by handicaps and disabilities. Rather God uses handicaps and disabilities to accomplish His plan and purpose.
Treat any person with a handicap and/or disability as you would anyone else; seek the purpose of God for that person. Know that the condition does not impair him or her from fulfilling the destiny of God.
Here is your business tip. Everyone is created by God with a purpose. Organizations fulfill their purpose by finding the right workers and enabling these workers to fulfill their purpose. When the people in an organization fulfill their individual purposes, the organization will fulfill its purpose. This is the principle of congruence. This reality is true of people with handicaps and/or disabilities. If an organization is called to hire someone with such a condition, then God has a purpose. The role of management is to trust the providence of God and seek to help all people in the organization, including the handicapped and disabled, to find and fulfill their purpose. Handicaps and disabilities are not impediments to the purpose of God; rather, these seeming impairments will be used by God to accomplish His will—many times by unexpected means. The key to unlocking this reality is to trust in the providence and intentionality of God. |