When your life is over, will your existence on earth have meant anything?
Deep down in each of us, there is a desire to make a difference—to believe that our existence means something more than fun, comfort, self-indulgence, personal pleasure, or financial wealth. So how do we live in such a way that our lives will make a meaningful difference?
The greatest of all role models was Jesus. Therefore to glean insight, we should consider how Jesus, a humble Jewish carpenter, made a meaningful difference.
The above text summarizes Jesus’ focus in life—to do God’s will. God’s will can be understood to mean both the specific actions and choices that God desires as well as the ways that God wants those actions and choices to be executed. I refer to this as “the will and ways of God.”
There are many aspects of Jesus' life that reveal the will and ways of God. Consider, for example, the issues of authority, circumstances, work, money, and priorities.
Authority: It appears to be common among humans to view authority with some disdain. We don't want to submit to authority and only do so begrudgingly. Jesus, however, was fully submitted to the will and ways of the Father.
Circumstances: Our control over life’s events is limited; many circumstances are largely beyond our control. When bad circumstances occur, we naturally seek to escape them. But this was not how Jesus lived. He recognized that God is sovereign and therefore the Author of circumstances. Jesus did not seek escape from circumstances but sought God's will in all circumstances.
Work: For most of us, work is something we have to do—not something we are privileged to do. For Jesus, work was part of his ministry. He recognized God’s sovereign hand in his workplace assignment and activities.
Money: The ubiquitous measure of success and significance seems to be money. But to Jesus, money was simply a tool used to obey God—to do God’s will and ways.
Priorities: For most, the choices of life today reflect personal pleasure and comfort. Sacrifice and suffering are not esteemed virtues in our culture. But for Jesus, his personal pleasure and comfort were always subordinated to the will and ways of his heavenly Father no matter what it cost him.
In summary, Jesus made a meaningful difference in life because he viewed everything from God's perspective and lived to do one thing—the will of God according to the ways of God. This is how to live a meaningful life.
Here is your business tip. Both individuals and organizations should seek to make a meaningful difference. The only way to do this is to live as Jesus did with the singular focus of doing the will of God according to the ways of God. For organizations to make a meaningful difference requires leadership dedicated to leading and managing according to the will and ways of God. To do this well, leaders and managers must hire people who wish to live as Jesus did. For both individuals and organizations, some of the key ingredients to living meaningful lives are submission to authority, viewing the sovereignty of God in all circumstances, recognizing that work is ministry, using money as a tool to obey the will and ways of God, and making the will and ways of God the priority in all situations.