Business Tips from a Biblical Worldview
Work and the Revealing of Our Destiny
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:15–17 NIV)

Why did God create people? Looking at the motivation of the average worker, one might conclude that God created people for the purpose of retirement. After all, this is what most people seem to focus on and work for. But if your view of reality is bigger than retirement, how might you answer this question?

A profound biblical answer must begin with the creation mandate given in Genesis 1:26–28, which commissions man to exercise dominion over creation. However, people are challenged to obey this mandate because of human sin. But God provided a solution for sin—Christ. The application of Christ to our lives begins with regeneration (John 3:3). Faith is the evidence of regeneration (Ephesians 2:8–9) and the fruit of faith is work in alignment with the creation mandate and the purpose of God (Ephesians 2:10). Therefore the work of Christ in our lives is the essential ingredient to empower us to do the work we were created to do.

In other words, the creation mandate commissions people to work and Christ frees people from sin so that we can work in alignment with God’s purposes. Work is then a means of revealing the destiny and purpose of God for people.

This makes work a sacred activity. Anyone who manages or leads people is touching the destiny of God for the people they manage or lead. Consequently, work is much more than a vehicle to produce jobs and build wealth. It is more than a venue for serving others and fulfilling the greater good of humanity. Work is a venue for people to fulfill their roles in the meta-narrative.

The meta-narrative is the overarching story of history. Everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen finds significance and meaning in the context of the meta-narrative. And the seminal figure of the meta-narrative ( the great story of history) is Christ. The above text plainly makes this point.

Therefore, the answer to the question of why God created people is clear. People were created by God to fulfill their respective roles in the meta-narrative.

If the purpose of people is to fulfill their roles in the meta-narrative, then the purpose of organizations is also to fulfill their roles in the meta-narrative.

Here is your business tip. Work is a primary venue for people to fulfill their purpose in life consistent with the meta-narrative. Organizations are vehicles that provide workers a context in which to perform their work. Both people and organizations find their purposes and destinies by fulfilling their roles in the meta-narrative. Secondarily, work provides opportunities to bless others with employment, provision, and wealth accumulation. In addition, work is a venue for serving others and challenges us to think about the greater good of society.

Listen to Dr. Chester's presentation on:
Work and the Revealing of Our Destiny

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