Business Tips from a Biblical Worldview
Asking Powerful Questions
"But what about you?" He asked. "Who do you say I am?" (Matthew 16:15 NIV)

When Jesus wanted to reveal his destiny to his disciples, he asked a powerful question. He asked, “Who do you say I am?” Jesus had to ask the question twice because the first time they answered with what others said about his identity. The second time, Peter responded to the question with understanding that came from the Father. He said, "You are the Messiah [Christ], the Son of the living God" (Matt. 16:16 NIV). From Peter’s answer, Jesus knew that the Father had revealed his identity to his disciples. Therefore his disciples were ready for more truth about his mission on earth.

This is a wonderful example of asking powerful questions—a probing, penetrating inquiry into truth and reality. For a question to be powerful, it must be vexing at some level. The questions must force us into deeper reflection to better understand truth and reality.

Specifically, consider the following:

  • Powerful questions force us to wrestle with reality and seek profound answers. Most of us are content with a superficial understanding of truth and reality. We rarely want to exert the effort to dig deeper. Powerful questions drive us deeper; they force us to face issues we would not otherwise face.

  • Powerful questions challenge our paradigms and presuppositions. All of us have accepted paradigms and presuppositions about reality, which are rarely challenged. Powerful questions test our paradigms and presuppositions. They force us to consider the implications of what we claim to believe.

  • Powerful questions prepare us for more truth. If we are not willing to wrestle with powerful questions, we demonstrate that we are not ready for more truth and reality. The predicate for more insight and wisdom is always the willingness to wrestle with the conundrums presented by powerful questions.

Communication is arguably one of the most important aspects of any organization. Without adroit communication, an organization cannot succeed long-term. But when an organization communicates effectively, the full potential of the organization can be released.

Powerful questions are some of the best tools that organizational leaders can employ to help people grow and mature in their understanding of truth and reality. Organizational leaders who facilitate excellent communication through the use of powerful questions will release the potential of both the individual workers and the organization as a whole.

Here is your business tip. Many organizational leaders want to direct and dictate; they expect workers to understand and comply without question. But human beings don’t always understand and frequently fail to comply. Therefore wise leaders must learn how to communicate truth in a way that encourages comprehension and compliance. Furthermore, leaders must be able to communicate to all people in the organization regardless of their maturity, personality, or intellect. Asking powerful questions is one of the best ways to help all types of people wrestle with truth and give them an opportunity to better understand truth. Excellent organizational leaders must learn to communicate clearly, compellingly, and cogently. Powerful questions can be one of the best ways to facilitate effective communication and therefore release individual and organizational potential.

Listen to Dr. Chester's presentation on:
Asking Powerful Questions

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