In a world driven by the perceived need for comfort, pleasure, and convenience, there is little tolerance for trials and tribulations. These tests of life seem to find us even when we seek to avoid them. We can be tested in many ways—mentally, emotionally, relationally, financially, and competitively—just to name a few. Invariably, these tests come to each of us and the pedestrian response is to get out of the test as soon possible. There is generally little value placed on the test; it is viewed as painful, distracting, annoying, or disruptive.
Contrary to the pedestrian perspective, tests are very valuable—so valuable that we should be joyful about them. The reason is noted in the text above. God uses these tests to mature us and align us with His will and ways. This doesn’t mean that tests are pleasant or easy but that they are valuable. So when we are tested, individually or organizationally, we should view testing as an opportunity for growth and maturity in Christ.
This doesn’t mean that we need to be masochistic and seek to be tested. During the process of living life, testing will find us. Just relax and live. Along the way there will be various tests, and when they arise, allow them to do the work in you intended by God—that is, to transform you and better align you with the will and ways of God. In this you rejoice, not because of the test but because of the benefits that will come from the test.
To properly respond to testing, one must be metaphysically aware of God's work through testing to improve both individuals and organizations. This means that each test must be viewed, understood, and interpreted correctly. Then one can make the right choices based on the growth and maturity facilitated by the test. This is a way the Lord effects individual and organizational development.
Here is your business tip. Management must be prepared to properly view and respond to individual and organizational testing as tools of development and maturity. When a test arises, management should respond by encouraging metaphysical awareness. This means seeking God’s perspective and purpose for the test. It is critical, both individually and organizationally, to gain God’s perspective so the test can be properly understood and the lessons properly learned. A wise response to the test will facilitate individual and organizational development that will contribute to outstanding performance and service to all stakeholders.