Business Tips from a Christian Worldview  
Equal Yoking Applied
Gerald R. Chester, Ph.D.

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. (2 Corinthians 6:14 ESV)


Scripture uses the agrarian metaphor of yoking to illustrate proper organizational relationships. In an equally yoked relationship, two animals can efficiently and easily plow a field. But two unequally yoked animals cannot; the unequal yoking is disruptive.

Applying this to organizational behavior, this means that equal yoking facilitates alignment with the will and ways of God. In other words, the imagery of equal yoking illustrates the importance of the right people in the right places doing the right things serving the right people in the right way at the right time for the right reason. Implicit in this concept is the ability see reality from God’s perspective, that is, with metaphysical awareness.

In my anecdotal experience working with organizations, it is rare to find organizational leaders who think with metaphysical awareness. Most leaders don’t seek to see reality from God’s perspective, consequently their vision of reality is limited to the natural world. When one views reality as a naturalist, one does not see the ultimate reality behind tangible events.

Behind physical reality is always intangible spiritual reality, either good or bad. As a maxim, good spiritual reality facilitates good results and bad spiritual reality facilitates bad results.1 For example, when an organizational leader with a greedy heart (bad spiritual reality) cheats a worker out of his wages, it will not go well (bad results).2 An unequally yoked relationship is an example of bad spiritual reality.

In the above text, the apostle Paul admonished his disciples in Corinth with an imperative—an axiomatic principle—not to be unequally yoked. The purpose was to mitigate the risk of unhealthy conflict and, therefore, facilitate efficiency and productivity. Specifically, being unequally yoked referred to being in relationship with a person who lacks C4 (calling, character, capability, commissioning) to be in the relationship. C4 is a biblical tool to determine one’s work assignment. When an organization is populated by C4 people, the organization will experience equal yoking that will facilitate the delivery of excellent value. In the context of equal yoking, conflict will be constructive; but in the context of unequal yoking conflict will be destructive.

Whenever a person is given authority over a department, project, division, or an organization, seek equal yoking as a tool to facilitate excellence and harmony.

Here is your business tip. Don’t think like a naturalist; think biblically with metaphysical awareness. Don’t be unequally yoked! This is a divine imperative. Wise organizational leaders must always seek alignment with God’s will and ways. This is the path to excellence and efficiency. One of the marks of equal yoking is conflict that facilitates improvements. Unequal yoking will produce unhealthy conflict that will manifest in inefficiencies and poor productivity. Equal yoking will empower organizations. Unequal yoking will impair and eventually destroy organizations. Equal yoking is manifested by the right people in the right places doing the right things serving the right people in the right way at the right time for the right reason.

1. Psalm 1.
2. James 5:1–6.
Listen to the teaching:
Equal Yoking Applied

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