Business Tips from a Christian Worldview  
Work in the Cosmic Battle
by Gerald R. Chester, Ph.D.
I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:15 ESV)

One of the values of studying science is to see the marvels of God’s creation. The discovery of DNA was a fascinating glimpse into the intricacies of the design of the universe. Human existence is guided by built-in information from God. This discovery adds credibility to the theory of intelligent design and raises doubt about the theory of evolution. Intelligent design implies the existence of a designer, a Creator.

The Bible reveals that the universe came into existence by the hand of a sovereign, intentional, and strategic Creator.

Remember this and stand firm, recall it to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, “My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,” calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of my counsel from a far country. I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it. (Isaiah 46:8–11 ESV)

This text is explicit about the existence of a God who is sovereignly in control of his creation. He is intentional, that is, everything happens for a reason, which means he has a plan. And he is strategic because everything fits into his plan. Therefore, from God’s perspective, there is no randomness.

One of the clues to the plan of the universe is found in Genesis 3:15,1 cited above. This text is a statement of certain judgment against the serpent, who represents Satan and his followers,2 for the serpent’s role in the fall of man. The seed of the woman represents Jesus and his followers. The text sets the context for the battle of good and evil that dominates history. The backdrop of history is the war between the forces of good and forces of evil that will continue until the forces of good prevail and evil is eradicated.3

The war between good and evil is the metanarrative in seminal form. Woven into this war is God’s redemptive plan for fallen mankind through the person and work of Jesus. Redemption is at the core of the metanarrative.

Organizational leaders and managers must recognize that work takes place in the context of this cosmic battle. This means that work is not primarily about making money; rather, work is about finding and fulfilling our roles in the metanarrative individually and organizationally in the context of the battle between good and evil.

Here is your business tip. Management must learn to think big—beyond the superficial pedestrian thinking of delivering goods and services, making a profit, and employing people. Given the metanarrative and a sovereign, intentional, and strategic Creator, organizational leaders must engage the battle between good and evil by guiding their organizations into alignment with the will and ways of God. This is a matter of prayer and spiritual discernment that leads to wise actions. Profound organizational leadership must be committed to Scripture and a godly walk to be able to see beyond tangible reality to the bigger story of history and properly align the organization with God’s purpose in his metanarrative. In this process, organizational leaders must seek to align their organizations with good, as biblically defined. This is their responsibility before God. The ultimate definition of success must be measured by the degree to which the leaders obediently fight evil and deliver good through their organizations.

1. Sometimes called the protevangelium (first preaching of the gospel).
2. Revelation 20:2.
3. Revelation 20.

Listen to the teaching:
Work in the Cosmic Battle

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Strategies@Work, LLC