Business Tips from a Christian Worldview

The Right Worldview, Part 1

Gerald R. Chester, Ph.D.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. —Genesis 1:1 CSB

Genesis 1:1 implies a singular Creator who is the definer of all reality. This means, in part, that only his will and ways will be efficacious. Therefore, to be successful in the Creator’s universe means one must be obedient to the will and ways of the Creator. Nevertheless, fallen mankind, by nature, rebels against God, presuming the right to define and control reality. This rebellion is expressed both individually and organizationally.

There are only four ways to function individually and organizationally. The two questions are whose will and whose ways? The four possible combinations are:

  • the will of man and the ways of man,
  • the will of man and the ways of God,
  • the will of God and the ways of man, and
  • the will of God and the ways of God.

These options are illustrated below: 

The default condition of mankind is to seek to do man’s will according to man’s ways. This clearly doesn’t work. For example, one cannot choose to live without food, one cannot choose to never die, and one cannot choose to not be born. This option is untenable.

The options of seeking man’s will, using God’s ways and seeking God’s will, using man’s ways are tenable only short-term. The latter option is perhaps more common in individuals and organizations that connect with God in some way, such as, local churches. In this scenario, individuals or organizations perceive they have revelation of the will of God but seek to fulfill God’s will according to their own ways. This will not be blessed. The former option—seeking to fulfill man’s will using God’s ways—is perhaps the preference of most businesses and was illustrated by the Tower of Babel project recorded in Genesis 9. The organizational leaders of the Tower of Babel project enjoyed a modicum of success before the project was judged. This can fool mankind into thinking that this option works. But in the end, it will not endure.

The only correct way to build an individual life or organization is to align with the will and ways of God.

Here is your business tip. Organizational leaders must be clear on their predicate, that is, who is charge of the universe—whose will and ways will prevail. The choices are either God’s or man’s. The correct choice is God’s will and God’s ways. Therefore, building an organization on this predicate means that God’s will and ways must be highest priority in every decision. Only then will organizations be able to produce excellent, enduring results because only then will they be aligned with the right view of reality—the right worldview. And only then will they enjoy sustained favor from the Creator.


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