Business Tips from a Christian Worldview

Living the C4 Principle

Gerald R. Chester, Ph.D.

For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. (John 6:38 CSB)

The above text expresses a Christian worldview. Christians are called to live like Christ (1 John 2:3−6). This means that the Lord’s will must govern our mind, will, and emotions.

The most reliable source to help us discern the will of God is Scripture. Accordingly, principles found in Scripture provide guidance for us. One of these principles is the C4 Principle. C4 stands for calling, character, capability, and commissioning.

The C4 Principle is simple to understand but difficult to practice because it requires death to our will and ways so that we can embrace God’s will and ways. This is very challenging. Who wants to die to their will and ways to serve someone else?

And when something is difficult, it is easy to lose heart and give up. Therefore, to overcome our resistance to surrendering to God, we must deeply appreciate his principles. To be committed to his principles, we must believe in some basic predicates about God’s nature and his creation. For example, we must believe that God is

  • the self-existent Creator who made humans and called them to serve as his ruling agents on earth;
  • a Creator who is knowable and self-revealing through Scripture (special revelation) and creation (general revelation);
  • a sovereign, intentional, and strategic Lord who created each person to serve his purpose as his agent in his metanarrative;
  • a merciful judge who is forbearing final judgment for the sin of fallen mankind while executing a metanarrative of redemption; and
  • a personal God who calls mankind to repent of sin and seek to obey his will according to his ways in his timing for his glory. 

Based on these predicates, Christians are to submit to Scripture as God’s most complete revelation of himself to us, his creation. This revelation contains principles to guide mankind into obedience to God. And one of these principles is the C4 Principle.

Alignment with God must occur both individually and organizationally. The C4 Principle can be used to discern individual purpose. Organizational leaders and managers should also use the C4 Principle to position people congruent with their individual purpose. When this occurs, individuals will fulfill their purpose and in the process organizations will fulfill their purpose. This is the way to success.

Here is your business tip. Organizational leaders and managers must be committed and submitted to a Christian worldview as revealed through Scripture. Accordingly, they will value biblical principles such as the C4 Principle as a tool to facilitate alignment with God both individually and organizationally. When used congruently throughout an organization, the C4 Principle will enable the organization to deliver an efficient and excellent value to customers. The byproduct will be a stellar reputation, financial profit, and success. 


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