A philosopher and a scientist were talking about energy. The philosopher asked what is the essence (or nature) of energy? The scientist responded that energy is the capacity to do work. The philosopher responded that he had not asked for a functional definition of energy but rather a definition of the essence of energy. What is energy or what is the nature of energy? This is a vexing question.
We could go through the same definition exercise for management. What is the essence (or nature) of management? Early in my career, I would have responded with a functional definition, such as, management is about coordinating people and resources to accomplish tasks on time, on scope, and on budget. Although this may be a helpful functional definition, it does not capture the essence of management.
While functional definitions are useful, they are not the most profound definitions. Functional definitions are corollaries of axiomatic definitions that require understanding issues in the bigger context of reality. An axiomatic definition reflects an understanding of the Creator—who he is, what he created, and why he created it.
From a Christian worldview, the axiomatic definition of management is alignment with God. Functionally, this can be illustrated using the imagery of a shepherd caring for the sheep of the master. Consider the nature of management found in Ezekiel 34:1−10, where seven (7) traits of shepherding are identified. Shepherds must:
Lead: Shepherds take care of the sheep first. Servant leadership is serving the purpose of God in all stakeholders—customers, employees, vendors, contractors, and owners.
Feed: Shepherds sacrifice to feed the sheep first—to holistically train all stakeholders based on the Bible as the handbook for individual and organizational behavior.
Strengthen: Shepherds strengthen the weak. Training should focus on strengthening everything, specifically any weak points.
Heal the sick and bind up the wounded: Shepherds care for the sick and wounded. Shepherds identify major blocks to individual health (spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical) and work to promote sound health holistically.
Find: Shepherds search and bring back the lost and strays. They find the right people—those called to be part of the organization and, if they are disconnected, seek to bring them back.
Rule well: Shepherds don’t rule harshly or brutally. They treat people well holistically, recognizing that management is a stewardship responsibility before God.
Protect: Shepherds keep the flock together to protect the sheep from enemies. Shepherds use the armor of God to protect stakeholders from attacks.
The nature of management is to function as responsible and accountable servants of God who steward all stakeholders under their care. Management’s sole objective is to serve God’s will, according to God’s ways, in God’s time, and for God’s glory.
Here is your business tip. Wise organizational leaders recognize the bigger picture of reality and consider their responsibility in the context of the Creation Mandate and the metanarrative. While they understand the function of management to coordinate and supervise people and resources to accomplish tasks on time, on scope, and on budget, they also understand that the bigger responsibility is to serve the purpose of God in and through every stakeholder. This means they recognize their role as shepherds who care for God’s sheep who have been placed under their authority as they serve the people whom their organizations are called to serve with the value propositions they are called to deliver.