Mankind sinned (Genesis 3). Divine love was extended to humanity by means of temporarily deferring the full, eternal judgment on mankind. At the Creator’s sovereign pleasure, he initiated a metanarrative of redemption to restore what was lost through mankind’s sin.
The Old Testament era covered more than four thousand years of history during which mankind failed in its attempt to remedy its fallen condition. Finally, the divine solution was revealed. The Savior—Jesus, who is God incarnate—came to satisfy the righteous requirements for mankind’s sin. Part of this divine work was to send the Holy Spirit to regenerate and empower a remnant of fallen mankind to be the people of God. The Discipleship Mandate (Matthew 28:18−20) was given to Jesus’ apostles as the command to replicate themselves and, therefore, to prepare God’s people for eternity in the New Creation.
While waiting for the final judgment and New Creation in the New Testament era, the divinely empowered people of God can fulfill the Creation Mandate as never before possible since the fall of mankind.
True leaders recognize the responsibility of humanity to obey the Creation and Discipleship Mandates. They understand the empowering gift of the Holy Spirit to enable mankind to grow and mature in the ability to obey. Leaders will be model disciples who obey the Creation Mandate wherever they are sent, and, along the way, they will replicate themselves in others and train them to obey.
Here is your business tip. Godly leadership recognizes that the Creation Mandate is the governing mandate of humanity. In its fallen condition, mankind is unable to obey. Based on the redemptive work of Jesus, mankind can be regenerated and empowered by the Holy Spirit to obey the Creation Mandate. Leaders train and model for others how to live as disciples of Jesus. Accordingly, they will seek to find and fulfill their call to obey the Creation Mandate in the context of the metanarrative.